
This country page describes, in brief, data that TJET has compiled on regime transitions, intrastate conflict episodes, and transitional justice mechanisms. For details on the data included on this page, view the FAQ.

For Canada, TJET has collected information on: 13 domestic trials starting between 1995 and 2018; one reparations policy created in 1998; and one truth commission mandated in 2007.

Select any transitional justice mechanism in the table below to view a timeline in the figure.

Country Background

Democratic Transition

TJET records no democratic transitions in Canada between 1970 and 2020.

Canada is a stable federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy in the Commonwealth. King Charles III of England, represented by a governor general, is formally the head of state. Canada gained autonomy in 1931, but it was not until 1982 that the UK transferred all remaining legal power to the government of Canada, which at that time adopted a new constitution. The prime minister is the head of government.

Violent Conflict

Based on the Uppsala Conflict Data Program, TJET records no episodes of violent intrastate conflict in Canada between 1970 and 2020.

While there have been some uprisings, for instance, the FLQ Crisis, the Oka crisis, and more recent "land-back" actions, none of these rose to the level of intrastate conflict.

Transitional Justice Data

As of 2020, Canada ranks 153rd out of 174 on TJET’s legacy of violence index. For a full list of country rankings over time, view the index page, and for an explanation of the index, view the Methods & FAQs page.

Domestic Trials

TJET has compiled data on 13 domestic prosecutions between 1995 and 2018. These include 13 regular human rights prosecutions of state agents, in which six persons were convicted.

Click on accused records for data on convictions. Data up to 2020. Hover over column labels for definitions.

Reparations Policies

Canada implemented one reparations policy between 1998 and 2014. TJET found no information on the total number of beneficiaries. The reparations policy provided collective benefits.

Data up to 2020. Hover over column labels for definitions.

Truth Commissions

Canada mandated one truth commission in 2007. The commission completed its operations in 2015. The commission issued a final report, which is publicly available. The report included recommendations for institutional reforms.

Data up to 2020. Hover over column labels for definitions.

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