Ukraine Justice & Accountability Survey 2024

Working Paper

Patrick Vinck, Liubomyr Mysiv, Anna Cave, Mitt Regan, Sarah McIntosh, and Phuong Pham


April 24, 2024

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This report presents the results of a large-scale survey conducted in Ukraine in late 2023 to understand public perspectives on justice and accountability efforts related to the ongoing conflict with Russia. A total of 4,500 adults were interviewed nationwide by phone and in five major cities, including 2,000 urban residents and 500 internally displaced persons. The survey examined views on the importance of various justice mechanisms, priorities, awareness and satisfaction with current efforts, as well as expectations for punishment, reconciliation, and risk of self-administered justice. Key findings include strong support for justice across mechanisms but prioritizing reparations, low to moderate confidence in the justice system and satisfaction with services, a desire for more information on investigations and support programs, and divisions in views around collaboration and reconciliation that could impact long-term peacebuilding.