Une liste de publications sur la justice transitionnelle par les membres de l’équipe TJET:
- Kathryn Sikkink, « Transitional Justice and Gender: From Narrow Beginnings to Positive Spillover » (Open Global Rights, 13 septembre 2024),
- Eamon Aloyo, Geoff Dancy, et Yvonne Dutton, « Retributive or reparative justice? Explaining post-conflict preferences in Kenya », Journal of Peace Research 60, nᵒ 2 (mars 2023): 258‑73,
- Geoff Dancy et Kathryn Sikkink, « The Data of Transitional Justice », in The Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice, éd. par Jens Meierhenrich, Alexander Laban Hinton, et Lawrence Douglas (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2023).
- Geoff Dancy, Kathryn Sikkink, Mykhailo Soldatenko, et Patrick Vinck, « Russia’s Willing Collaborators: Ukraine Needs a Measured Lustration Policy to Strengthen Security and Rebuild Democracy », Foreign Affairs, 8 juin 2023,
- Mykhailo Soldatenko, « Constructive Ambiguity of the Budapest Memorandum at 28: Making Sense of the Controversial Agreement » (Lawfare, 7 février 2023),
- Patrick Vinck, Tadesse Simie Metekia, Geoff Dancy, Kathryn Sikkink, et Phuong N. Pham, « Can Justice Bring Peace to Ethiopia? How to Heal Divisions After Decades of War », Foreign Affairs, 15 novembre 2023,
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, Annie Pohlman, et Jess Melvin, « Resisting Indonesia’s Culture of Impunity », in The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission: On Going Struggle for Truth and Justice, éd. par Jess Melvin, Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, et Annie Pohlman (Canberra: ANU Press, 2023),
- Geoff Dancy et Oskar Timo Thoms, « Do Truth Commissions Really Improve Democracy? », Comparative Political Studies 55, nᵒ 4 (2022): 555‑87,
- Daniel Marín-López, « Is Colombia Trapped in “War Mode?” In Wake of Truth Commission, New Leftist Government Recalibrates US Ties » (Just Security, 18 novembre 2022),
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, « Breaking the Promise: Transitional Justice between Tactical Concession and Legacies of Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia », International Journal of Transitional Justice 16, nᵒ 3 (1 novembre 2022): 406‑21,
- Kathryn Sikkink, Douglas A. Johnson, Phuong N. Pham, et Patrick Vinck, « A Critical Assessment of Colombia’s Reparations Policies in the Context of the Peace Process », in Time for Reparations: A Global Perspective, éd. par Jacqueline Bhabha, Margareta Matache, et Caroline Elkins (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021), 119‑36,
- Abdulrazzaq Al-Saiedi, Kevin Coughlin, Muslih Irwani, Waad Ibrahim Khalil, Phuong N. Pham, et Patrick Vinck, « Never forget: views on peace and justice within conflict-affected communities in Northern Iraq », rapport scientifique (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2020).
- Geoff Dancy, Yvonne Marie Dutton, Tessa Alleblas, et Eamon Aloyo, « What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya », Journal of Conflict Resolution 64, nᵒ 7-8 (2020): 1443‑69,
- Phuong N Pham, Mychelle Balthazard, et Patrick Vinck, « Assessment of efforts to hold perpetrators of conflict-related sexual violence accountable in Central African Republic », Journal of International Criminal Justice 18, nᵒ 2 (2020): 373‑96,
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong N Pham, « Localizing Outreach », in The International Criminal Court: Contemporary Challenges and Reform Proposals, éd. par Richard H Steinberg (Brill Nijhoff, 2020), 65‑70.
- Geoff Dancy, « Achieving an Unpopular Balance: Colombian Post-Conflict Justice and Amnesty in Comparative Perspective », in As War Ends: What Colombia Can Tell Us About the Sustainability of Peace and Transitional Justice, éd. par James Meernik, Jacqueline H. R. DeMeritt, et Mauricio and Uribe-López (Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 325‑46,
- Geoff Dancy, Bridget E. Marchesi, Tricia D. Olsen, Leigh A. Payne, Andrew G. Reiter, et Kathryn Sikkink, « Behind Bars and Bargains: New Findings on Transitional Justice in Emerging Democracies », International Studies Quarterly 63, nᵒ 1 (2019): 99‑110,
- Phuong N Pham, Niamh Gibbons, et Patrick Vinck, « A framework for assessing political will in transitional justice contexts », The International Journal of Human Rights 23, nᵒ 6 (2019): 993‑1009,
- Phuong Pham, Niamh Gibbons, Jana Katharina Denkinger, Florian Junne, et Patrick Vinck, « Justice not forgiveness: perspectives on justice and reconciliation among Yazidi women refugees in Germany », Journal of Human Rights Practice 11, nᵒ 3 (2019): 530‑53,
- Phuong Pham, Niamh Gibbons, Mychelle Balthazard, et Patrick Vinck, « The nexus of memory, forgiveness, and reconciliation in Cambodia », International review of the Red Cross 101, nᵒ 910 (2019): 125‑49,
- Patrick Vinck, « Transitional Justice in the age of social media », International Journal of Transitional Justice 13, nᵒ 1 (2019): 105‑12,
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, Transitional Justice from State to Civil Society: Democratization in Indonesia (London: Routledge, 2019),
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, « Towards Post-Transitional Justice: The Failures of Transitional Justice and the Roles of Civil Society in Indonesia », Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights 3, nᵒ 1 (juin 2019): 124‑54,
- Geoff Dancy, « Deals with the Devil? Conflict Amnesties, Civil War, and Sustainable Peace », International Organization 72, nᵒ 2 (2018): 387‑421,
- Geoff Dancy et Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, « The Impact of Criminal Prosecutions During Intrastate Conflict », Journal of Peace Research 55, nᵒ 1 (2018): 47‑61,
- Patrick Vinck, Anne Bennett, et Jacobo Quintanilla, « Engaging with people affected by armed conflicts and other situations of violence – Taking stock. Mapping trends. Looking ahead. Recommendations for humanitarian organizations and donors in the digital era », rapport scientifique (Cambridge, MA: International Committee of Red Cross & Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2018).
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, « Installing Justice: Civil Society and Transitional Justice in Indonesia », in Civil Society in the Global South, éd. par Palash Kamruzzaman (London: Routledge, 2018), 158‑75,
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, « Working from the Margins: Initiatives for Truth and Reconciliation for Victims of the 1965 Mass Violence in Solo and Palu », in The Indonesian Genocide of 1965: Causes, Dynamics and Legacies, éd. par Katharine McGregor, Jess Melvin, et Annie Pohlman (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018), 335‑56,
- Mark S. Berlin et Geoff Dancy, « The Difference Law Makes: Domestic Atrocity Laws and Human Rights Prosecutions », Law & Society Review 51, nᵒ 3 (2017): 533‑66,
- Phuong N Pham, Niamh Gibbons, et Patrick Vinck, « The United Nations material assistance to survivors of cholera in Haiti: consulting survivors and rebuilding trust », PLoS Currents 9 (2017),
- Patrick Vinck, Phuong N Pham, Mychelle Balthazard, et Magbe AS, « Peace, Justice and Security Polls – Central African Republic », rapport scientifique, Central African Republic (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative & United Nations Development Program, s. d.),
- Geoff Dancy et Verónica Michel, « Human Rights Enforcement From Below: Private Actors and Prosecutorial Momentum in Latin America and Europe », International Studies Quarterly 60, nᵒ 1 (2016): 173‑88,
- Phuong Ngoc Pham, Patrick Vinck, Bridget Marchesi, Doug Johnson, Peter J. Dixon, et Kathryn Sikkink, « Evaluating Transitional Justice: The Role of Multi-Level Mixed Methods Datasets and the Colombia Reparation Program for War Victims », Transitional Justice Review 1, nᵒ 4 (2016): 60‑94,
- Geoff Dancy et Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, « Timing, Sequencing, and Transitional Justice Impact: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Latin America », Human Rights Review 16, nᵒ 4 (2015): 321‑42,
- Geoff Dancy et Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, « Bridge to Human Development or Vehicle of Inequality? Transitional Justice and Economic Structures », International Journal of Transitional Justice 9, nᵒ 1 (2015): 51‑69,
- Patrick Vinck, Phuong N Pham, et Tino Kreutzer, « Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Polls – Democratic Republic of the Congo », rapport scientifique, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Harvard Humanitarian Initiative & United Nations Development Program, s. d.),
- Phuong N Pham et Patrick Vinck, « Fragile Peace, Elusive Justice: Population-Based Survey on Perceptions and Attitudes about Security and Justice in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire », rapport scientifique (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, s. d.).
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong N Pham, « Consulting Survivors », in The human rights paradox: Universality and its discontents, éd. par Steve J Stern et Scott Straus (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2014), 107‑24.
- Vinck et Pham.
- Nadine Kirchenbauer, Mychelle Balthazard, Latt Ky, Patrick Vinck, et Phuong Pham, « Victims participation before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: Baseline study of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association’s Civil Party Scheme for Case 002 », rapport scientifique (Phnom Penh & Cambridge, MA: Cambodian Human Rights; Development Association (ADHOC) & Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, 2013).
- Verónica Michel et Kathryn Sikkink, « Human Rights Prosecutions and the Participation Rights of Victims in Latin America », Law & society review 47, nᵒ 4 (2013): 873‑907,
- Kathryn Sikkink et Hun Joon Kim, « The Justice Cascade: The Origins and Effectiveness of Prosecutions of Human Rights Violations », Annual Review of Law and Social Science 9, nᵒ 1 (2013): 269‑85,
- Kathryn Sikkink, « Models of accountability and the effectiveness of transitional justice », in After Oppression: Transitional Justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe, éd. par Vesselin Popovski et Mónica Serrano (New York, NY: United Nations, 2013), 19‑38,
- Phuong N Pham et Patrick Vinck, « Cambodia », in Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, éd. par Lavinia Stan et Nadya Nedelsky, vol. 2 (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 86‑93.
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong N Pham, « Democratic Republic of the Congo », in Encyclopedia of transitional justice, éd. par Lavinia Stan et Nadya Nedelsky, vol. 2 (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 113‑19.
- Sri Lestari Wahyuningroem, « Seducing for Truth and Justice: Civil Society Initiatives for the 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia », Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 32, nᵒ 3 (2013): 115‑42,
- Hun Joon Kim et Kathryn Sikkink, « How do human rights prosecutions improve human rights after transition? », Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law 7, nᵒ 1 (2012): 69‑90.
- Geoff Dancy et Kathryn Sikkink, « Induced Enforcement: Treaty Ratification and Domestic Human Rights Prosecutions » (Paper presented at the "From Rights to Reality" conference, New York University Law School, October 14, 14 octobre 2011).
- Geoff Dancy, « Choice and Consequence in Strategies of Transitional Justice », in The Handbook on the Political Economy of War, éd. par Christopher J. Coyne et Rachel L. Mathers (Chaltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2011), 397‑431.
- Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck, Mychelle Balthazard, Michelle Arévalo-Carpenter, et Sokhom Hean, « Dealing with the Khmer Rouge Heritage », Peace Review 23, nᵒ 4 (2011): 456‑61,
- Phuong N Pham, Patrick Vinck, Mychelle Balthazard, Judith Strasser, et Chariya Om, « Victim Participation and the Trial of Duch at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia », Journal of Human Rights Practice 3, nᵒ 3 (2011): 264‑87,
- Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck, Mychelle Balthazard, et Sokhom Hean, « After the first trial: A population-based survey on knowledge and perceptions of justice and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, mai 2011).
- Kathryn Sikkink, « El efecto disuasivo de los juicios por violaciones de derechos humanos », Anuario de derechos humanos (Universidad de Chile. Centro de Derechos Humanos), nᵒ 7 (2011): 41‑61,
- Kathryn Sikkink, The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions are Changing World Politics (New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Co., 2011).
- Patrick Vinck, Phuong Pham, et Tino Kreutzer, « Talking Peace: A population-based survey on attitudes about security, dispute resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction in Liberia », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, juin 2011).
- Geoff Dancy, « Impact Assessment, Not Evaluation: Defining a Limited Role for Positivism in the Study of Transitional Justice », International Journal of Transitional Justice 4, nᵒ 3 (2010): 355‑76,
- Geoff Dancy, Hunjoon Kim, et Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm, « The Turn to Truth: Trends in Truth Commission Experimentation », Journal of Human Rights 9, nᵒ 1 (2010): 45‑64,
- Hunjoon Kim et Kathryn Sikkink, « Explaining the Deterrence Effect of Human Rights Prosecutions for Transitional Countries », International Studies Quarterly 54, nᵒ 4 (2010): 939‑63,
- Phuong Ngoc Pham, Patrick Vinck, DK Kinkodi, et Harvey M Weinstein, « Human rights, transitional justice, public health and social reconstruction », Social science & medicine 70, nᵒ 1 (2010): 98‑105,
- Phuong Pham et Patrick Vinck, « Transitioning to peace: A population-based survey on attitudes about social reconstruction and justice in Northern Uganda », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, décembre 2010).
- Oskar N T Thoms, James Ron, et Roland Paris, « State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice: What Do We Know? », International Journal of Transitional Justice 4, nᵒ 3 (1 novembre 2010): 329‑54,
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong N Pham, « Outreach evaluation: The international criminal court in the Central African Republic », International Journal of Transitional Justice 4, nᵒ 3 (2010): 421‑42,
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong Pham, « Building peace, seeking justice: A population-based survey on attitudes about accountability and social reconstruction in the Central African Republic », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, 3 août 2010).
- Harvey M Weinstein, Laurel E Fletcher, Patrick Vinck, et Phuong N Pham, « Stay the hand of justice: Whose priorities take priority? », in Localizing transitional justice: Interventions and priorities after mass violence, éd. par Rosalind Shaw, Lars Waldorf, et Pierre Hazan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010), 27‑48.
- Kathryn Sikkink, « From State Responsibility to Individual Criminal Accountability: A New Regulatory Model for Core Human Rights Violations », in The Politics of Global Regulation, éd. par Walter Mattli et Ngaire Woods (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009), 121‑50,
- Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck, Mychelle Balthazard, Sokhom Hean, et Eric Stover, « So We Will Never Forget: A population-based survey on attitudes about social reconstruction and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, janvier 2009).
- Kathryn Sikkink, « From Pariah State to Global Protagonist: Argentina and the Struggle for International Human Rights », Latin American politics and society 50, nᵒ 1 (2008): 1‑29,
- Kathryn Sikkink et Carrie Booth Walling, « La cascada de justicia y el impacto de los juicios de derechos humanos en América Latina », Cuadernos del CLAEH 31, nᵒ 96/97 (2008): 15‑40.
- Eric Stover, Miranda Sissons, Phuong Pham, et Patrick Vinck, « Justice on hold: accountability and social reconstruction in Iraq », International review of the Red Cross 90, nᵒ 869 (2008): 5‑28,
- Oskar N T Thoms, James Ron, et Roland Paris, « The Effects of Transitional Justice Mechanisms: A Summary of Empirical Research Findings and Implications for Analysts and Practitioners » (Working paper, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, 2008).
- Patrick Vinck et Phuong Pham, « Ownership and participation in transitional justice mechanisms: A sustainable human development perspective from eastern DRC », International Journal of Transitional Justice 2, nᵒ 3 (2008): 398‑411,
- Patrick Vinck, Phuong Pham, Suliman Baldo, et Rachel Shigekhane, « Living with Fear: A Population-Based Survey on Attitudes About Peace, Justice and Social Reconstruction in Eastern Congo », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA & New Orleans & New York: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley & Payson Center for International Development, Tulane University & International Center for Transitional Justice, 19 août 2008).
- Phuong Pham et Patrick Vinck, « Empirical research and the development and assessment of transitional justice mechanisms », International Journal of Transitional Justice 1, nᵒ 2 (2007): 231‑48,
- Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck, Eric Stover, A Moss, et M Wierda, « When the war ends: A population-based survey on attitudes about peace, justice, and social reconstruction in Northern Uganda », rapport scientifique (Berkeley, CA & New Orleans & New York: Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley & Payson Center for International Development, Tulane University & International Center for Transitional Justice, 1 décembre 2007).
- Kathryn Sikkink et Carrie Booth Walling, « The Impact of Human Rights Trials in Latin America », Journal of peace research 44, nᵒ 4 (2007): 427‑45,
- Kathryn Sikkink et Carrie Booth Walling, « Argentina’s contribution to global trends in transitional justice », in Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond Truth versus Justice, éd. par Naomi Roht-Arriaza et Javier Mariezcurrena (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 301‑24,
- Phuong Pham, Patrick Vinck, M Wierda, Eric Stover, et A di Giovanni, « Forgotten voices: A population-based survey of attitudes about peace and justice in northern Uganda », rapport scientifique (New York, NY & Berkeley, CA: International Center for Transitional Justice & Human Rights Center, University of California, Berkeley, juillet 2005),
- Phuong N Pham, Harvey M Weinstein, et Timothy Longman, « Trauma and PTSD symptoms in Rwanda: implications for attitudes toward justice and reconciliation », JAMA 29, nᵒ 5 (août 2004): 602‑12,
- Ellen Lutz et Kathryn Sikkink, « The justice cascade: the evolution and impact of foreign human rights trials in Latin America », Chicago Journal of International Law 2, nᵒ 1 (2001): 1‑33.